Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Closet Clear Out!

I decided with autumn just around the corner that I would have a huge clear out of my wardrobe! I had been thinking about it for a while because I had started to acquire piles of clothes that wouldn't fit in my wardrobe or my chest of drawers and it became so messy just having all these piles laying around so I decided that it would be a good time to have a clear out! I know for sure that i'm one of those people who likes to hoard clothes, I try to convince myself that I need to keep clothes even if I haven't worn them for ages! So after hearing lots of people around me doing it I decided that I needed to to stop being so silly and just clear out my wardrobe! I do think its super important to donate to charity as much as you can and I would encourage everyone to to have a clean out of their clothes and donate them if you can! I thought it would be really important to make some rules for myself so that I could make good choices when picking what to keep and what to give away. My first rule was that if I hadn't worn it in at least a year then it for sure it has to go, then once I had got rid of the clothes I hadn't worn in a year I decided that I should bring it down to the last 6 months, obviously with season changes and things I could go easier on myself and allow myself to decided whether I care about it hugely or not!I know that sometime I keep things that no longer fit me either, no matter how much I liked it, if it's not the right size then it must go! Below I listed some of the pieces I decided to part with and some tips to deal with your own closet clear out!


- Pick a time frame for yourself, if you haven't worn it in that time frame its more than likely you will not gravitate and pick to wear that item again so there is no need to keep it!
- When it comes to questioning whether to keep it or not, think about would you care if that item was taken away from you or think about only being allowed a suitcase worth of clothes, would it be your first pick? Would you mind if you had to leave it behind? Then make your decision from there!
- If it no longer fits, too big or too small then it has to go!
- You are always going to keep buying new clothes, as seasons change and new things come in fashion and other things go out, remind yourself that you can always but more new clothes, and if you clear out enough then you can have the room to buy new clothes!

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